Get this: 100% of every dollar that comes in to Five Dollar Fast goes to impacting someone's life directly.

We get charged a bank fee each month but CSF stepped in and said, “We want to cover the monthly bank fees that way every single faster can know that every single penny goes to work for someone that needs it."

So, there you have it. We have a donor that makes donations to cover the fees that are the result of other donors' donations!


As this pie chart shows you, we have 3 different categories of expenses:

  1. CSF Community Service team (16%) - College students are great. So is community service; why not put them together? We give to the CSF Community Service so they can do some awesome things and put college students in position to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

  2. Compassion International (16%) - Our heart breaks for these kids-that's why we use a good portion of our funds to sponsor Compassion International children overseas. Right now, we are able to sponsor 2 children. Our goal is to sponsor 15 children a month!

  3. Need-based outreach (68%) - The rest of our funds go into helping the needy in the community of Lexington, KY. Whether that means paying the bills of someone whose recently lost a spouse, providing food for a struggling family, or helping a student cover the cost of counseling, our main focus is to bless the broken around us.